Relaxing massages
Deeply relaxing massage
A relaxing massage is performed to relax the patient's body and mind and reduce the effects of stress and fatigue. It consists in acting on the body's tissues with the use of appropriate smooth movements of the therapist's hands. It is a natural treatment, often used as part of biological regeneration. It affects not only the skin, but also internal organs, muscles, the patient's mind and emotions.
This type of massage can be performed every day and its length should be from half to about an hour depending on the part of the body being massaged. The treatment is performed in a relaxed atmosphere, which increases its effectiveness.
A relaxing massage is performed to relax the patient's body and mind and reduce the effects of stress and fatigue. It consists in acting on the body's tissues with the use of appropriate smooth movements of the therapist's hands. It is a natural treatment, often used as part of biological regeneration. It affects not only the skin, but also internal organs, muscles, the patient's mind and emotions.
This type of massage can be performed every day and its length should be from half to about an hour depending on the part of the body being massaged. The treatment is performed in a relaxed atmosphere, which increases its effectiveness.